I don't even know where to begin. I'm sure you've all heard about the car accident that happened on Monday afternoon in Alexandria. This car accident changed the lives of many, many people. One of my good friends for a long time died in that accident; nothing has been the same since, and it never will be.
Danielle and 3 of her beautiful friends were in the front car that the SUV hit. Their car slid on the icy roads, over the median, and this was the result. There were either 2 or 3 people in the SUV that were brought to the hospital, but they were released and fine.

When I first heard the news I honestly didn't believe it. Danielle was one of the happiest, nicest, and outgoing people I've ever met, to say the absolute least. She was a real friend, always there when someone needed her, literally there for me throughout every step of my surgery. We could spend a whole week together, taking turns at whose house we would sleep at. We got into a lot of trouble, broke a lot of rules, and we had a hell of a time doing it. She was always SO positive and knew how to make the best of every situation. She may have been barely 5 feet tall, but she had the loudest, most genuine laugh a girl could have. She couldn't be dead. That just didn't seem right, and it still doesn't. I couldn't (and still can't) understand how I talked to her Sunday night, and how by the time Monday afternoon hit, I could never talk to her again. I still don't think I've fully grasped that idea yet. I never met any of the other girls, but I know people who knew them, and from what it sounds like, they were just as wonderful as Danielle. People keep saying that Heaven needed four beautiful angels, and I know that they made Heaven that much brighter, but they were 18 and 19 years old. They had their whole lives ahead of them.

People are constantly asking me if I'm okay, and they're asking if there is anything they can do to help. I hate these questions. Honestly, not to be rude at all, but why don't they take a second to think about it: if your friend died in a car accident, no one saw it coming, and no one could have stopped it, would you be okay?
I'm sitting here, thinking about how hard this is for me to take, and all I can think about is her family. I'm SO unbelievably happy she got to spend her last weekend at home with them, and that they got to see her one last time before she was gone. Her very last tweet was about being home and sleeping in her own bed and it said "Last night in my bed #sadness". Scary how true that was.
Danielle was a beautiful dancer, and the one song that keeps replaying in my mind is
I Hope You Dance.
I don't know God's reasoning for taking Danielle so early, but I do know God blessed me and everyone else who knew her during her short time here. Some girls are born with glitter in their blood, and she really was one of them.
I hope you dance, Danielle. You will forever be in my heart and I will never forget you. I'll love you, always and forever.
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance